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What is Emotion Code Therapy?

This simple yet transformative healing method works by detecting negative emotions stored in the subconscious mind that can go as far back as when you were in your mother’s womb. These trapped emotions cause pain, self-sabotage, emotional problems and all kinds of malfunction and disease, such as physical pain, anger, depression, chronic fatigue, PTSD, phobias, or panic attacks.
There are a total of 60 negative emotions and the subconscious can be considered the blueprint to your entire body. Within the subconscious lies information that knows everything about you and why you experience specific conditions or deal with specific situations the way that you do.

Why the Emotion Code?

The Emotion Code is a powerful method of finding and releasing trapped negative emotions that have been stored in the body through our subconscious minds’ desire to protect us from further suffering.
Emotions profoundly affect the quality of our life. Our experience of low frequency emotions — like fear and anger — feel very different from our experience of high frequency emotions — like love and gratitude. The latter creates the powerful brain and heart coherence that regulates our nervous system, creates balance, and allows our body to heal.

And science has come in agreement, with epigenetics, psychoneuroimmunology, and quantum biology finding that feeling positive emotions positively changes our biology at the cellular level. Feeling negative emotions does the opposite impacting our body, mind, and spirit.
Being our best self requires that we shed what holds us back. When we take responsibility for the health of our energetic spirit and pair that with healing intention, we move toward the higher vibrational state that’s required to balance, regulate, heal, and thrive.

Releasing trapped negative emotions can help remove the imbalances, allowing your body to heal itself, leading to a healthier and happier life as you resonate more positive energy!
It’s possible to let go of negative emotions by allowing ourselves to experience them, but we don’t usually do this so they become trapped. Luckily, with emotional release therapy, and specifically the Emotion Code technique, we can find and easily release your trapped emotions.

Causes & Symptoms of Trapped Emotions

  • Loss of a loved one

  • Divorce or relationship problems

  • Miscarriage or abortion

  • Home, work, or chronic stress

  • Financial hardship or physical illness

  • Internalizing your feelings

  • Self-sabotage or low self-esteem

  • Negative self-talk/beliefs about self/others

  • Physical, mental, or emotional trauma

  • Rejection, betrayal, or abandonment

  • Physical, verbal, or sexual abuse; neglect

  • PTSD / any traumatic event

 What Are Trapped Emotions?

Trapped emotions are negative emotional energies that we still carry around from past events, traumas or abuse. Trapped emotions can cause a variety of “symptoms,” include health related as well as in relationships, career, or success. They can block people from finding true love and happiness and make them feel disconnected or lonely.

Trapped emotions are made of energy, just like the rest of the body, and they can affect physical tissues, organs and overall wellness. Trapped emotions can create pain, malfunction and possibly disease. In addition, trapped emotions can exert a dramatic effect on how you think, the choices that you make, and how you react to every day challenges.

Think of trapped emotions as balls of energy that can be stuck in the body. They vibrate at different frequencies depending on the particular emotion. The trapped emotion, or negative vibration, can often affect the part of the body where they are stuck, but can also disturb overall balance and health.

  Trapped Emotions are identified individually and released one at a time, not in groups or bundles.

Every trapped emotional energy is significant in your life. Each one has had an impact on you in some way or another. Each comes from a specific time or event that was experienced either by you or someone else that you inherited or absorbed the energy from. These energies affect us in a variety of ways and create challenges, problems and pains of all sorts, both physical and emotional.

Whatever their origin, they certainly can make an impact on your life. There are times when trapped emotions can be excruciating! When significant pain like that is present, you might find trapped emotions nested in the area of pain.

Releasing trapped emotions balance the body so it can regain its full healing capabilities. Utilizing the Emotion Code, you may see physical and emotional issues disappear or become much less severe.

Will I Feel the Emotional Release?

You might! Many people report various sensations as the energy moves out of them. These include yawning (which is a big sign of energy release!), getting the chills, a wave of nausea, momentary headache, sometimes burping, a surge from the center out to the hands and feet, and more. It all depends on your body. Sometimes clients simply feel the particular emotion we are releasing, like anger or sadness. And sometimes they feel nothing, which is fine and normal.

What Happens After Releasing Trapped Emotions?
Your body knows exactly how many trapped emotions it can release and in what order it wants to release them. Together we will find these answers from your body during your session.
Most of the time you will find that you can identify and release about five to ten trapped emotions in a thirty-minute session. This is typical, but sometimes you may find that your body will only allow you to release two or three emotions in a session, and that’s okay. Trust the wisdom of the body!
When you have released all your body can release in a session, usually you will lose the ability to be tested momentarily because your body is processing and is on a state of overload. When that happens, you are done for the time being, until the next session generally. This usually takes 1-2 days, but can take up to 4 or 5 days for some people. Again, your practitioner will help to find these answers from your body during your session.
Each person is different in their process, from how many emotions they can release in one session, to how they feel afterward. How many trapped emotions are involved in one issue you are having varies as well. The whole process is completely customized to you!

Book an Appointment

  45 MIN SESSION - $65

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